Books are some of our best friends and companions for a lifetime. Words of an incorrigible bookworm, no less. But books guide us through a fascinating world of wonder, learning, hope, entertainment, a world available to us all.

There are countless ones who are no longer apprentice writers, but we are all writers’ apprentices forever…

WELCOME! Wherever you are, feel at home here.



The Writers’ Apprentices is an individual blog, just in English, with only two pages. But it’s also an extension of the bigger blog called Aprendizes de Escritores. As I use to say, Writers’ Apprentices and Aprendizes de Escritores are twins, but not identic ones. I created Aprendizes de Escritores in April/2011 and, since then, I’ve been translating it to English to turn it into a bilingual blog. The whole blog has 15 pages, and there are lots of parts there in Portuguese that are already in English too. As I am a translator, I want both blogs to be shared with all people, no matter the language, or the profession. In order to know the whole bilingual blog of 15 pages, if you’d like after you visit here, please click on the link at the pen below. Here, on the Writers’ Apprentices, you’ll find lots of interesting things too, in a pleasant way, such as articles, texts, phrases, comic cards, general comments and tips, etc.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

WA's Bits and Pieces

Some of the Blog’s Miscellany:


Wherever you are, feel at home here
 in the Writers' Apprentices Blog!

Happy Father's Day

When a man becomes a conformist, he is sacrificing the richness of independent thinking.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Valentine's Day!

From: BrainyQuote

“Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.”
 – Henry David Thoreau

From: BrainyQuote

Happy Mother's Day!

World Book Day
April 23rd

Very Interesting Book Benches

Happy Easter!

From: BrainyQuote

Images and words can complement themselves
 perfectly without outshining one another.

I’ve chosen this image (of internet public domain) to symbolize
the blog because, when I see it, I imagine someone arriving in a
pleasurable way (because I love to ride my bicycle) in a cozy
place like a house, a book store, a café. That’s the way I hope
visitors to feel in the Writers’ Apprentices Blog. tj*¬

"When man grew ambitious, God destroyed the
Tower of Babel, and everyone began to speak
different tongues. However, in His infinite grace,
 he also created people to rebuild those bridges,
to enable dialogue and the diffusion of human
thought. This person, whose name we rarely
take the trouble to notice when we open a
foreign book, is the translator.”

_ Paulo Coelho,
 “The Other Side of the Tower of Babel

International Translators' Day - Sept. 30th

Translators are paths that lead from one
place to another without letting the reader
get lost in the middle of the journey. tj*¬

Writers’ apprentices are those who are already
born with the writing gift and improve it. They
become masters, even though they continue to
 be other masters’ apprentices, and so on. tj*¬

World Writers' Day - Oct. 13th

It’s so good to be able to be eclectic in general
and to enjoy what we really like without being
 prisoner of what others claim to be fashionable. tj*¬

Through continuous, comprehensive reforestation
and recycling we shall not be without paper for
what is really necessary, such as the good old
printed books, for instance.

When you can't be perfect at something, remember
perfect people are too boring. tj*¬

Yeah, I'm a bookworm, and so what?

Happy Children's Day!

 Happy International Women’s Day! – March 8th

Reading is one of the first steps for writing.

Fairy Tale Cottages

From: BrainyQuote

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Best Wishes from the
Writers' Apprentices Blog